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"A familiar pull" (Animal TF Photomanip + Caption)


A familiar face crawls on the bed, her dress falling down her body, lust in her eyes... and soon the girlfriend turned cat is just purring at you.


Finally an update - 10/05/2020

Hello everybody,
Sorry for the long hiatus due to different personal issues but we are finally coming back with a few projects. We are glad to welcome Paws to the Altered Melodies team and hope you'll like their writings ! Thanks to all those who patiently waited for this moment.
As always, take care~


"Lockdown mishap" (Animal TF Caption)

A little story inspired by the current situation... And remember: stay safe, stay home, be a dog.


"Fleshcrafting pottery" (M2F Caption)

What a lovely feeling, to be molded and shaped according to someone else's will and desires... but maybe they are not just someone else's ?

[L: Updated the pic since blogspot didn't seem to have it full-size, sorry!]


"The cat breeder" (Animal TF Photomanip + Caption)

Some people are living quite the good life, while for others it's pretty much different. Just a matter of finding your own place... And for Zoé, this place is changing now.
[A: It's been too long since my last feline TF manip! See the source pic in my "hideout" page (link on top bar) to appreciate it better.]


"Back to the 60's" (M2F Caption)

Now the question is, what would have happened if the wish was simply to get back to the 60's? Probably something similar...


"You are an animal now" (Animal TF Caption)

The way that witch is looking into her victim's eye tells you should not mess with her.


"Changing beyond control" (M2F Photomanip + Caption)

Thinking you might resist the power of the change? Perhaps it's much easier to simply let go and let it take you, making you what you should be.


"Happy accident" (M2F Caption)

Some recordings have interesting secondary effects, if they have been made by powerful hypnotists. Do not leave unattended near young children... and boyfriends...


"Shoot the moon" (Animal TF Photomanip + Caption)

What was supposed to be just a photoshoot turned into something more for this pretty lady who had an animal trapped inside her... The hunt is ending, but she was the prey. Will she find herself trapped in her turn, or rather free?
[A: A huge thank you to Rose Crowley, who is not only a lovely woman who loves werewolf transformations but also made us the amazing surprise of posing for us here! <3]


"Down Yasmine" (Hypno Animal TF Caption)

This is not a sponsored post... unless we have been unkowingly mind-controlled? Wait... why am I on all fours? I shouldn't aararfff! arrf!!
[L: And that's how we lost poor Melissa]
[A: Now we'll also have to make sure her body fits her new role don't you think?]
[M: Hehe~]